So this picture really has nothing to do with this blog entry, but this is Al right after he got out of the shower one morning and his hair usually does this crazy thing and I just thought he looked soooo cute this morning so I am posting this picture. Oh I know I just have been talking about this so much lately, but I am so in love with my sweet husband. I've just recently seen what apparently "most men" are... and it disgusts me.... I'm sure not every man is this way so don't think I'm talking about your husband....but I have seen just the most "macho", insensitive, ridiculously rude, demanding, jerks I ever seen. Alex is the greatest sweetheart I have ever known. Apparently most men wouldn't wash the dishes and clean the kitchen when their pregnant wife is feel like crap. Apparently most men wouldn't fix the bed every morning because they know their wife has a strange pet peeve about unfixed beds. Apparently most men would be angry at their wives for not cooking dinner because they're too sick and food makes them sick... Alex is the best husband ever. Maybe I'm a bad wife because I haven't been really doing that great at cooking, and I keep the house pretty clean, but sometimes I let the dishes pile up a little lately, and it's been a little hard to fix the bed early in the morning.... I've just been so sick and tired, oh Alex I love you sweetheart and you have no idea how much I appreciate you, your hard work, and your energy..... I love you baba...

Okay, so this is what the post is really about... Yesterday I turned 23 years old...
Saturday Alex took me out for Bajio's ( Mexican for Cinco de Mayo)

Mmmm! AL and I have never eaten there together so it was kind of funny. We like the exact opposite foods so we got one burrito and split it... mexi rice on half with spicy beans, sweet rice on the other half with black beans... I can't handle spicy food....
It was so fun to go with him... he's so sweet and cute
I've gotta tell ya though eating there brought back memories... memories of eating there with my best friends... Lindsay ... Ruth... Jaclyn.... Nathan... I'm so sad

Then on Sunday my In-Laws threw me a party. I got a call from my great friends the Alley's and asked them to come to dinner at my in-laws and it was so nice to see them and spend time with them! Mary is actually due in July... maybe June, I think it's July! Exciting huh?

So the gifts.....

Megal or Miken..... or Megan and Mikel ha ha got me Book of Mormon STories & THe Children's Primary Hymn CD

Al's parents got me a shirt with matching earrings and a belly band for when I get big.

Misti got me two maternity shirts... it'll take me a while to grow into though lol

beautiful orange and raspberry colors!

Julie & her family sent me a very sweet card that made it in the mail on the day of my birthday. It was really sweet.
My gifts from my family are on the way in the mail... it's sad I live so far from them now, I really miss them on occasions like these.... They all called and texted to make sure I knew how much I was loved.
Now the day of! It's funny we couldn't afford for AL to get me a birthday gift right now because I went and got his birthday gift even though his birthday is the 17th and mine is the 5th ... it's like one of those COMB / POCKET WATCH STORIES ha ha ya know.. the Gift of the Magi!

The day of my birthday was kind of a slow... just normal everyday day... it kind of stinks because when your 23 it's just not cool to have a birthday... no one really super celebrates your birth, but my sweet ALex did as much as he could on the day to make it special...
It's funny I thought about my 23rd birthday a lot before it came... when I was a little girl 23 was my favorite number and I swore during my 23rd year everything was going to be wonderful: I'd be married ( which I am) , I'd be graduated ( which I am ) and I'd have a baby on the way... ( which we do in about 6 months...)
I got everything I wanted for my 23rd year... I know that this was just a prayer of a little girl, but God heard me.... even though the day was just boring, I saw the love of my Heavenly Father and how he answered the prayer of a sweet little middle eastern girl that didn't even know his truth yet...
I love this gospel, my God, my Savior, and my sweetest wonderful husband in the whole entire world.
Happy Belated Birthday to me.