November's Cheese was Chevre-- basically goat cheese. It's delicious and creamy and ALEX loved it!
December's Cheese was probably Al's least favorite of the two... lol, he just didn't like it. It was Brie! I love it and so does his mother. This is a native french cheese that does wonders on a baguette!
SO... I suppose since Christmas just happened we should talk about it a little. I got Al a journal that he really wanted. He's an English nerd and has wanted a nice journal to write his book ideas, movie ideas, and teaching ideas, and analyzing ideas, and really just his ideas in general. My sweet boy is so funny! He says that one day years after we've passed away someone will find the great journal of Alex M. Christensen and publish it and it will be a great work! So I got him this beautiful journal from Barnes & Nobles leather covered and looks like one of the oldin days atlases. I also got him some little toys for his stocking as well. Alex bought me 7 pairs of crazy socks because my socks are old and not fun! I will now be known as the crazy sock lady.... THe best gift I was given of all is a sweet song my baby wrote for me. In high school he had a SKA BAND named 2 Fat 2 Fly. Well everyone from that band is finally home from the missions. THe last one got home 3 weeks ago. SO 3 weeks ago he called the last band mate and begged his band mates to help him play this song and record it for me. He wrote all the instrument lines by himself and the lyrics and spent hours for a month coming up with this song!!! I wish I knew how to upload it, but if they ever come up with a music video for I'll definitely post it! I love my hubbie!!!!!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, Eat Cheese!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Cheese of the Month!
So Al and I decided to have a cheese of the month and we started that in November. We're super poor newlyweds who enjoy delicious cheeses of places like Paris, London, Rome, Geneva, and more! SO since we can't afford to have it all the time.... ONCE a month we choose a cheese we want to try or that we've tried and loved!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ten things that make me Happy
Thank you Sister Sorenson! I was tagged, but I secretly love being tagged because it gives me a reason to BLOG!
Ten things that make me Happy... in no particular order ( I think these are also blessings Heavenly Father gives to me!)
1) Realizing that it's been a half of a year being married to my best friend! ( isn't that crazy!)
2) waking up on time
3) Watching Al get excited about anything
4) water ( I'm thirsty a lot)
5) The children in my ward ( they are all so beautiful and honestly make my day better)
6) Having a job to support my family
7) Serving in the Temple
8) Watching Al play music
9) Talking to my family -- even though they drive me insane
10) Reading and taking walks ( not necessarily at the same time lol, I just wanted to sneak an 11th one in there)
I love my friends and they really help life seem a lot easier and help me think less of the "bad" things and more of the GREAT things! They make me happy.... THEREFORE I am going to tag:
1) Jaclyn Robbert
2) Vicki Matheson
3) Andrea Bowman
4) Jenaca Jett
5) Julie Pack
6) Bekah & Hannah Hintze!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I don't like buying gifts
I feel like gifts are supposed to be meaningful, but I'm not good at it. Trying to get Al the gift that helps him know how much I love and appreciate him has taken the joy out of Christmas this year. I hate buying gifts.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Christmas Card Photos!
Okay so TODAY our best friends/ neighbors, The Shirleys, went with us to take pictures of each other for our Christmas Cards. Thank you Jaclyn Robbert for giving us the opportunity to get free Christmas Cards... since ya know we're poor College Students we can't afford real ones! Anyways... So this first shot is the Shirleys and they look dang hott ;)
This is the Shirley's personal favorite of ALex and I. Aren't we just attractive!
I would have to say that this is my favorite one of us. The only problem is that you can't really see our faces... but do people really need to?
This one would've been great if I'd been smiling. What was I trying to do??
I REALLY like this one. Isn't it romantic!
This one is really cute too. You know that the snow is so beautiful even if it makes you soakin wet!
I miss taking engagements and wedding photos. Getting to be all over AL for no real reason is great ;)
The Shirleys took this very artistic shot. I liked it a lot!!
You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm tellin you why!
Santa Claus is comin to town!! ( with mrs. claus too!)
This one is cute, huh?
I wanna hold your hand hand hand!
And there we go... Christmas Card photos!
SO which one is YOUR favorite?
Friday, December 4, 2009
Baby Hungry
This is David and Sydney! They are so cute. I baby sit them every once and a while and they are the funnest!!! I just love David so much, if you know his family you should check out their blog. There are Davidisms on there and they are the cutest thing that you'll ever read!
This is Nathan, he just woke up from a nap! Isn't he the cutest thing!!! He's really funny especially on halloween when he was dressed up as a little waddling chicken!
This is Caden. HE's a sweetheart! He loves to read and spell his name and he's only 3!! I just love this little cutie pie!
This is who we know ( according to Caden) Baby Valene! She's the cutest little thing and just the sweetest baby!
This is Licoln. He's gone now sadly. Al helped his parents move out and stuff so he took pictures of this sweet little boy!!
Here's AL & Lincoln! AWWWWWWW!!! I hope I have a little blonde boy. You know I have the chance. Al was blonde and so was his sister when they were babies!
I baby sat on Wednesday this sweet little girl Briley! Isn't she beautiful! She's helping Al with his homework here.
"But I really want to watch T.V. Orchid!" Yeah she's too young. I rather her learn to love PLAYING!
Oh dear look at that dimple! SHe's SOOOO CUTE!
I guess this is either making my baby hungriness worse or it's helping it until we're ready to have our own, but isn't it wonderful to be in a family ward where there are so many cute little angels of Heavenly Father! I sure think so!
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