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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I'm so cheesy! I love my husband and I love going on dates with him. We went on the best date tonight. I looked into his eyes and tears just filled my eyes. I was looking at the beautiful green and gold eyes of my sweet husband and was so excited about our life together. I hope you all find a love like this. A beautiful life heading toward Celestial Glory.

sorry so short,

melted like butter

Monday, January 25, 2010

More Blessings...

I feel like all my posts are very... very... well a little bipolar. I'm either in despair or extreme happiness. Well I have a lot of blessings in my life.
So I'm just hoping that everyone is counting their blessings.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Day of Bleh!

So today I woke up and felt really bleh. I don't know how to explain it, but BLEH. I think there are a few reasons.

1) I've been sleeping really late.
2) I slept in
3) I haven't worked out since Tuesday
4) I feel slightly overwhelmed
5) I'm a little anxious

So I love my job as a teacher, but I feel like it's not the job I expected it to be. I don't understand why students don't do their homework, because I always did. I don't understand why they don't respect me sometimes, because I always respected my teacher.... It's kinda confusing, but ya know... I also just feel overwhelmed with the time I feel like I should put into my job, but I don't. I feel really bad because I put just enough time to get things done, but I feel like I should put more into. I guess it's that feeling we're suppose to feel all our lives. I'm told that if you ever feel like you've reached a point where you're "good" with God, you're probably in trouble. I guess I never want to get to that point, but I always feel like I should be doing more and then I get overwhelmed with all that I feel like I should be doing...

REALLY... I never understood Al & his mother's point of view on being the sleep police, but I think little by little I'm understanding more. I need sleep, but not like naps and sleeping all day because I believe that's what causes the bleh, but I need good 8 hours a sleep every night this week sleep, SOO hopefully I'll get it! Anyways, love ya'll!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm so BLESSED!!!

SO... I just started my new job as a LONG TERM SUBSTITUTE for the 7th grade. I have felt some nerves going jumbly in my tumbly and I've been worried about whether I've been a good or bad teacher, but so far I think I'm doing okay...BUT during this week I've been so blessed with the amazing people in my life! ( In no particular order)

Alex, my husband. I have no idea what I would do if I didn't have him. He's the sweetest man I have ever been around and just treats me as if I was a princess. I swear I'm sooooo undeserving, yet I recieve the best from my baby.
The Shirleys. I don't know what I'd do without them they are so wonderful to me! They made us the best dinner last night!!!
The Brantinghams made us wonderful cookies!!! There were more... we just ate them all!
The Meachams made me Brownies wishing me good luck!
And I don't have a picture of Andrea Bowman, but she's incredible and she's been such a blessing in my life! She calls at the right time, she texts at the right time... she's incredible and I'm so grateful for her. I love everyone

Most of all I am the most grateful for my Savior. He is the one who helped put all these people in my life to make my life the way it is. I love him and I hope that I show him how much I love him in my obedience. I LOVE THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's a new year!

So this will be a really long post because I haven't posted in a while and there is ALOT to tell.
So let's begin with Christmas Break. It was a blast and I had so much fun! I think I did mention in my last post that my sweetheart wrote a song for me for Christmas with his old band from high school. WOW I love Alex so much, he really is my bestest friend in the whole wide world and I honestly don't know where I'd be without him.
Before the break I got a job at Madison Middle School as an AIDE for the 5th grade. I was at first applying to be a 7th grade long term sub, but the job was given to someone that had known the Principal and worked for the principal longer. I was apparently 2nd runner up because this person who was given the job decided a few days into it that he couldn't do it. NOW, I'm going to be vague, but completely honest about this job... I've been given a disaster!! I teach 2 classes of Language Arts and one class of Social Studies. I'm really excited, but this is going to be a GREAT challenge.
Over the break I got a job at WINGERS restaurant. I am a hostess two nights a week. Come by and visit if you want to :) It's a fun place to work and I really like it! Everyone there is nice. The only yucky thing is that hostesses have to clean the potties.... gross. lol.
Now Alex and I were going to take a FRENCH class together, but because of the new teaching job I can't anymore and I'm really really really really sad about it. I love my sweetheart so much and I don't feel like I ever get to see him. I miss him sooo much and I hope he knows how much I love him.
This is a picture of what he wanted to dress up like on the first day of school, but decided against it because he thought it would be a little sacrilegious at a LDS University... lol!

Oh WOW! I love my Al! Isn't he soo cute!!! I love love love him! and I love all of you! Happy 2010!!!!!