So today I woke up and felt really bleh. I don't know how to explain it, but BLEH. I think there are a few reasons.
1) I've been sleeping really late.
2) I slept in
3) I haven't worked out since Tuesday
4) I feel slightly overwhelmed
5) I'm a little anxious
So I love my job as a teacher, but I feel like it's not the job I expected it to be. I don't understand why students don't do their homework, because I always did. I don't understand why they don't respect me sometimes, because I always respected my teacher.... It's kinda confusing, but ya know... I also just feel overwhelmed with the time I feel like I should put into my job, but I don't. I feel really bad because I put just enough time to get things done, but I feel like I should put more into. I guess it's that feeling we're suppose to feel all our lives. I'm told that if you ever feel like you've reached a point where you're "good" with God, you're probably in trouble. I guess I never want to get to that point, but I always feel like I should be doing more and then I get overwhelmed with all that I feel like I should be doing...
REALLY... I never understood Al & his mother's point of view on being the sleep police, but I think little by little I'm understanding more. I need sleep, but not like naps and sleeping all day because I believe that's what causes the bleh, but I need good 8 hours a sleep every night this week sleep, SOO hopefully I'll get it! Anyways, love ya'll!