So you know when you want to post really bad, but then you just get frustrated because of ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the events you haven't posted about!? Then you feel like you have to make up for all of them. Well here is my Make up Post... Sorry I've been so bad at it, I've been really sick with flu stuff so I've just been dead to the world! Here we go:
First of all, I want to give a shout of to two of my best friends in the entire world. It was Jaclyn's birthday ( girl in the middle) yesterday on the 9th, and it was Ruth's Birthday( The other girl that's not me) on Conference Weekend. I am seriously the worst friend ever and did not call either of them until much after their birthday...
Ruth- YOU ARE INCREDIBLE! I am so proud of you and your new job. I've been thinking about you a lot lately and it's just incredible that you are such a woman and you just let yourself have fun!!!! I love you and I thank you so much!!!!
Jaclyn- YOU ARE INCREDIBLE TOO!!!!! First of all, just as a blogger, you're soo good. You always blog about stuff, even if it doesn't seem to be the most important thing... ( like burnt cookies) but to people like me, it is super important because I can now make fun of you for burning them, because that was something I would do. You're just so professional and classy and always upbeat. I just love you two women so much and I'm so glad I've had you in my life.

SO the weekends begin. Last week before COnference Alex and I went down to Ogden, Utah!! He was accepted and went to present at the National Undergraduate Literature Conference! The first person we saw there was ALanah! She's a great friend of mine that I work with at Wingers. I was so proud of her. Her Creative Writing piece was probably the best one.

That day for lunch, ( i was having flu symptoms this weekend) we had HOGI YOGI TERIYAKI STIX... it was okay, but ALEX LOVED IT! He had two lunches there!

That evening the Conference treated all of it's recipients to a DELICIOUS steak dinner at Timbermine Steak House in Ogden. That was probably the first dinner I ate in a while! It was yum!

This is Alanah and I again! I don't look that great in this picture, but Alanah does!

This was our dessert... YUMMY! Raspberry White Chocolate Cheesecake :)

SO Friday morning Alex and I slept in and couldn't find parking at the University and he didn't present until 2 pm so we went and hung out at the local pita pit and once we felt like eating we did. We were there for like 2 1/2 hours lol.

There is Alex getting ready to present!! He was nervous that why his face look ponderous.....

YAY!!! Alex did incredible!!!!!

So Easter is here and I made Alex an EASTER BASKET!! My friend Lori Shirley, the incredible, invited me over to to make these cutie pie animal easter eggs. I filled each little egg with my testimony of Christ, my gratefulness for Alex, some scriptures from Easter, and more... Then I bought him a tshirt with Guitars on it ( his favorite thing other than me) and I bought him church and regular sockies! He really needed some! AND white chocolate reese, they are the only candy he likes and I don't like!!!! I love that so I won't eat em!

He bought me a gift too! Little Bandit!

It was an EASTER SHEEP!!! Al is so cute, he read me a scripture of the lamb of God and then he gave me this little lamb!

Easter Egg cake... didn't really work out....

Easter Basket.


K, so now for this weekend. Yesterday Al and I left early in the morn and drove down to Twin Falls to go to Schyler and Chandra's wedding!!!

That's me getting all motion sick!!!

Look at them come out of the temple!!!


Their color was YELLOW with a splash of pink! That was me and Al's colors!!! Look at Chandra laugh and Schyler giggle! Man I love those two.

Me and the gorgeous BRIDE!!!!

Schyler and his buddies and there is my allie pallie!

Ah they're soo cute!!!

That's the two of us at the wedding luncheon!

Oh goodness, what a great weekend it was! I love sealing ceremonies I cry so much and remember the blessings that AL and I recieved at the temple many months ago...