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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sweet Husband & Goodbye Friends

They are beautiful huh? My husband is wonderful... I had my first formal observation by my university supervisor and it was stressful. I got home and there was....
My sweet husband. I love him so much.
This is my new friend, Rugi Bear, inside joke...
Below is my sweetheart's first day of school! I love him sooooo much!!!!!
I saw Ashley for the last time, she's leaving for the Orlando Florida Mission!
Same week I said good bye to another one of my sweet friends, Melissa who is leaving for the New York, New York Mission. I'm going to miss them all so much.

So Al plays in a Blue grass band and on Friday they played at the Rexburg Farmers' Market in front of the Tabernacle. Ya'll should check it out it seems pretty awesome.
Isn't he sooo dang cute. There's my baba... I love him.
Saturday they played in a Battle of the Bands here in Rexburg at Rexburg Unplugged and his band WON!! He won our family a $25 gift certificate to Broulims! Pretty sweet, huh?

Thus far life has been pretty motionless for me. I just kind of go with the flow of things. I get stressed out and my sweet husband calms me down. I just need prayers for the Social Studies Unit I'm doing. I hope it all works. Until we meet again.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Student Teaching and MORE

So I don't have any cool pictures, because I haven't really taken any...It's been a busy semester thus far and it's only to get worse I'm sure. My online class starts soon and I don't know what i'll do! I'm so busy trying to get stuff done all the time! Student Teaching though has been quite the adventure. I'm not going to lie, I'm quite terrified of my University Supervisor... She's a sweet women, but VERY SERIOUS about not giving us a good score the first time she watches us teach. Now I find it slightly strange that I am being evaluated against teachers that have been in the field for 5 to 10 years... Most teachers I've talked to have said that is EXPERIENCE that helps us. With the knowledge that I have, I feel that I'm a pretty good teacher, and the experience by the way. I'm getting observed tomorrow and I only pray that my Supervisor will have mercy on my poor perfectionist's soul. I'm ridiculous, huh?

SO today I was driving home with Mom (ALex's mom) because we carpool together to work. I love riding with her. We had a great laugh together today because as we were driving home from school and work today we made a left turn and this STUPID car decided that she was going to drive even faster because we were turning in front of her ( although we were driving into the complete opposite lane than her) SO I sit and wonder, and Mom and I laughed so hard because we thought who in their dang right mind would want to get into a car accident, wait for 2 hours to 4 hours for a cop to fill out everything and BE out of a CAR for over a week from the damage. I mean HONESTLY! Anyways....

I was just called as Second Counselor in my Relief SOciety. ( For those who don't know what that is, it is the largest women's organization in the world, and is run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It's wonderful, we really do try to be the RELIEF of the members of the Church and of the world around us. We like to do service and build up our homes in righteousness. Anyways, Being in the RElief SOciety Presidency in a Singles Ward was never that time consuming. I mean we had our jobs, but now this Relief SOciety is so much time and effort. I LOVE IT, I DO !!! It's incredible and my testimony of Relief Society and of the Gospel has grown so much, but it a lot more work than it was in the Singles Ward.

Anyways... that is my life at this time.... Really there wasn't much about Al, which there should've been because he's the rest of my life and I love him so much. I'm honestly the luckiest girl ever... I'm so grouchy sometimes and soooo busy that really for example I leave at 7 am get back at 6:20 or 6:30 go to a meeting or go to help out someone, and then come back work on my school stuff and then it's 9:30 pm and there I go back to bed to get up the next morning again. Anyways... busy life. In the Eternities Alex and I will be able to be together all the time without worries... I HOPE!